Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pedestrian Sundays at Kensington Market

Has everyone had enough of this scorching heat wave we are getting here? I certainly have had enough. Don't get me wrong, I like the summer days, just not 32 feels like 44 degrees celcius summer days. This is when the power generators blow up, half the city is in a blackout and community centers and malls are jammed packed with people.
Luckly, last month presented us with some very nice weekend weather, hot, but comfortablely hot. A great time to be out and about, exploring new things in the city.
A friend of mine recommended that I go to Kensington Market on Sundays because they close off the roads and make them pedestrian only.
So I went with another friend and took my dog with us to enjoy the sun and to see what was happening down there.
We enjoyed a beer (albeit, slightly warmer than usual) and a quick lunch on the patio of KOS. I had to tie Abby to the other side of the patio along with all the other dogs :)
A friend coming to say hello to Abby

After lunch, we took a stroll through the market. I finally got to venture into Kid Icarus, a store that sells handmade things, mainly cards and gifts. They carry a variety of handmade cards, mostly letterpress based by different designers and also their own pressed designs.
Outside view of Kid Icarus
Its a cute store with a lot of different things to see.
 There were a lot of bands and shows going on down the street. We walked by this band playing at the corner of the street and there was a crowd around them. Then we went to the other end of the street, and saw this huge crowd of people surrounding a little boy and a Chinese shirtless guy with a cowboy hat, tight tight jeans and a cordless microphone. We managed to shuffle through the crowd  and had a great view of all the commotion. It was a Chinese 'comedian/magician' putting on a show for the crowd, and having the little boy as a volunteer to help him out. It was pretty entertaining as he knew how to engage the crowd, and here and there, he would pop in some 'cantonese'.
The band at the corner of the street
It was definitely nice to be out and about and to experience the liveliness of Kensington market. The last time I strolled through Kengsinton was when my friend had her birthday dinner at The Supermarket. The food was decent and we had our own little private room at the front. At night, there was a live band that played. All in all, both trips to Kensington were full of fun and laughter.


  1. I haven't been to Kensington Market in ages, your post really makes me wanna go there soon. Too bad it's not pedestrians sundays every sunday.

  2. Yeah its not unfortunately but when it is again, you should go. Try out some of the other restaurants there. Most them actually have specials on that day so you could try a few different things.

  3. HAHA yes that's my kind of event...food related =)
