Sunday, August 22, 2010

Munching on Toronto - Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Recently I've fallen quite in 'love' with Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. There is one really close to me now, and I've tried their ice cream and candy apples (I have also purchased dog treats for my dog too but no, I haven't try them). I stare at the chocolate counter too, but I have to control myself.

To be honest, I would choose the ice cream here over the ice cream at Marble Slab. It is more gourmet and the biggest thing for me is that it is not as sweet. It has a delicious flavour without feeling like you need to reach for a glass of water after several bites.

Can't remember the name of this candy apple, but its
suppose to be one of the most popular ones.
They are also very famous for their signature candy apples. The shelves are filled with different flavours  of candy apples, from Rocky Road Caramel Apple to Cheesecake Apple, just to name a few.
It was my friend's birthday and I decided to buy her a candy apple. I was in luck when I got to the shop. They were in the process of making 'Happy Birthday Candy Apples' for the next day. I was lucky enough to get one made that night. It was so colourful and all I wanted to do was look at it.
Happy Birthday Candy Apple

Sometimes we all just need a little sweetness in our lives. Rocky Mountain has definitely satisfied that for me.


  1. Ahhh candy apples! Do you know I've had my FIRST candy apple only last year?! I kinda want one now after seeing your post!

  2. You should!! But they are just soooo pretty to look at haha
